Star Trek

Star TrekI grew up with Star Trek, watching my first Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG) series on TV when I was 9 years old. Actually back then, I never thought much of it, treating it just another sci-fi show.

Fast forward to 1994 when it was the first year I was studying in Melbourne, Australia. At that time, the TV was airing TNG after 11pm. It was then I began to grow a liking to Star Trek. Concurrently, they were also airing Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (DS9).

With nothing much to do during the university summer vacations, I began renting TNG videotapes (yes, videotapes!), determined to watch each and every single episode of TNG. Then throughout the years in Melbourne, I not only finished watching all episodes of TNG, but also all episodes of DS9, Star Trek: Voyager (VOY) (except for Season 7) and all the Star Trek Movies from The Motion Picture to First Contact.

I concluded my Star Trek experience when I was in Singapore, watching all the episodes of Star Trek: The Original Series (TOS), Star Trek: The Animated Series (TAS) and Star Trek: Enterprise (ENT), as well as the last season of VOY, and the remaining Star Trek movies (Insurrection and Nemesis).

Of course, I absolutely loved the new Star Trek reboot movie!

There you have it. I am a Star Trek fan, but not the type who wears Vulcan ears or Starfleet uniforms, but the type who embraces the teachings of Star Trek.

You can learn a lot from watching Star Trek, especially the human relationships they portray on the series. Take away the sci-fi element and you will see that the series is all about humankind.

Until a time where there is world peace, live long and prosper...

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